Ruth Kalda

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Part time family doctor, since 2006 professor of family medicine at Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu and Head of the Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health since 2015, responsible of the residency training program in family medicine.

Board member of the Estonian Society of Family Doctors. Executive Board Member of the EURACT, member of the MINT (Motivational Interviewing Trainers’ Network).
Field of scientific activity: Prevention, risk-factors of chronic diseases, risk prediction, patient empowerment, primary health care quality.

Areas of expertise: primary health care/family medicine education in all levels: undergraduate, postgraduate and CME, expert in designing the curriculum, assessment and evaluation. Quality of family medicine/general practice organisation, clinical guidelines development.

Author of more than 150 scientific and professional papers among them more than 50 in international peer-review journals.

Scientific editor of the journal “Eesti Arst” (Estonian Physician”), coordinator of several national and international project, expert in Moldova, Ukraine, Greece, counselling of primary health care and education reforms.

Hobbies: long-distance running, mountain running, hiking, crocheting and cooking.

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