Mateja Bulc

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Born 22nd December 1951 in Ljubljana, finished Medical Faculty in Ljubljana in 1977.
Working from February 1979 in Ljubljana Community Health Center, Ljubljana (Slovenia) as a GP and from 21/01/1991 as a specialist in general practice . 23/11/2006 defended PhD thesis.
From 1994 assistant, from 2000 assoc. professor and researcher at the Department of Family Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.

  • teaching pedagogically from 1994 on, being also as a trainer and mentor to students and trainees, conducting seminars and workshops in family medicine
  • active in the field of prevention in primary health care (member of CINDI Slovenia since 1990), regional authorized doctor for prevention in general and family medicine
  • active in the field of quality assurance in general / family medicine, Head of the Quality Working Group at the Association of General / Family Medicine Doctors in Europe (UEMO)
  • active in postgraduate education of doctors in Slovenia (head of three modules in family medicine specialist training), 1993 to 2008 co-leader of the working group for specialization in the Association of General / Family Medicine Doctors in Europe (UEMO)
  • active participant from the first course on of International Janko Kersnik EURACT Bled Course.

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